Barn i stan was a three year project. It started in April in 2008 with support from Allmänna arvsfonden. The organisation was Hidde Iyo Dhaqan. Its’ aim was to develop new models for meetings, dialogues etc in socially exposed areas. The focus was on meeting between children and teenagers with immigrant background and elder people with Swedish background in the area. The project has helped to diminish prejudices, conspicuousness and xenophobia among the inhabitants of Seved.
The goal was to create long lasting relationships and dialogues between people of different backgrounds, as well as function as a role model for the same work in other areas in the city. In 2009 Barn i stan made an allotment plot at Sevedsgatan 12 together with children and people living in the area. The aim was to make a concrete and realistic model for city farming, as well as build confidence in the area.
A flowering and attractive allotment plot in the middle of the city was the result. It made the whole block change its’ looks and character as well as its’ social position.
In 2010 the city farming along Sevedsgatan continued. Together with the children in the area and the Cultivation Network a second allotment plot was created. The lawn was removed and new ecological soil replaced it. We grew sweet potato, potatoes, beetroot, carrot, beans, onion, asparagus, hop, berries, old Swedish varieties of cereals cucumber and lots of flowers.
Since MKB owns the land where the allotment plots are placed, they have supported the exchange to ecological soil and helped putting up a water source.
Along the corner of Sevedsgatan/Rasmusgatan a big Middle East-inspired cultivation area has taken form. MKB helped to remove the asphalt and new ecological soil was placed there instead.
Seeds and plants from all over the world was collected. Children and people living in the area were sowing and planting according to a model we call “caos-planting”. The children each got a number of plants and were allowed to plant them wherever they wanted. The result was an astonishing garden with a huge biodiversity. Except for a number of different flowers we grew ochre, passion fruit, pumpkins, chili, tomatoes, fennel, artichoke, zucchini, herbs and spices from all over the world, chick peas, sweet pea, ginger, eggplant, corn, flowering Jerusalem artichoke, garlic, giant sunflowers and a lot more.
In the winter of 2010 we made a hot counter top where we grew Asian cabbage, garlic and Chinese onion thorough out the winter.
During the summer of 2011 the perennials from last year grew and they were taken care of by youths from Ung i sommar.